Thursday, June 24, 2010

Busy Life Ends Life…

This peom is dedicated to all busy people ;).... Busy wth work... Busy in the name of work... In short with perspective of life busy doing nothing imp ;)...


Busy Life Ends Life…

As I entered my office today,
And logged into my mail, to checkout my work for the day,
Found that nothing for assigned to me,
After ages I found that I was totally free…

Still remember those days when I was called Miss Busy,
Drowned in work load I felt totally dizzy,
Time was falling short for me somehow,
Lost so much, I realize all that now…

Work was all I could see then,
Friends, family… lost them all since when,
Slogged from morning 8 to night 11,
Still loved that life, felt like heaven…

Issues, meetings, deadlines was all I could see,
Faced all of these still didn’t wanna flee,
Sundays working became every week’s issue,
Work place had become my home this fact is so true…

Cell phone used to be in permanent switched off mode,
All I could think of was my project, the bugs and the code,
Work issues had become part of my dreams I tell you,
Work became my life… how I let this happen I have no clue…

But today as I sit here idle compiling this write,
People around me are staring as it’s a rare sight,
No tension, no deadline, nothing to be met,
No issues, no bugs that needs to be dealt…

When I look around today, friends are lost,
Now I know that this work has made me pay a heavy cost,
Constant promises from my side to meet up earlier,
Has pissed them totally as my presence was always a failure…

Family, hmm, they are still there,
But interaction with them is lost, I don’t know where,
Outage of my work frustration, guess they had to bear,
Now they let me be by myself, I think it’s totally fair…

Love… Lost him totally in this game,
Now how hard I try things will never be the same,
Even on the day he was moving out forever,
Work strangled me that day too, and now I know I will see him never…

Recalling all this I thought its high time now,
To set the tune of my life back to normal somehow,
Wanted to get back to my friends and family come what may,
But as they say, things never go your way...

‘ONE NEW MAIL...’ there came the alert on my pc,
‘YOU ARE ASSIGNED A NEW PROJECT’... that was the news for me,
The professional in me let the poet immediately die,
‘Sir, WILL REPORT TO YOU IMMEDIATELY ’... was my reply...

No time is what we tell our loved ones,
Trust me its not worth it, you will miss much more in tons,
Balance between work and life is the need of the day,
Or else this busy life will end your life and you will have nothing to say...

------------------------------------------------------------ Rashmi (26th April, 2008)

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