Saturday, June 26, 2010

This is for you Lord...

Sometimes we speak before thinking and end up hurting our loved ones be it intentionally or unintentionally...  in anger our mouth speaks faster than our mind... this fact is realized by very few people...


This is for you Lord...

When matters go astray,
I simply kneel down to pray,
Then I see things falling into place,
With no problems that I can trace…

Few people hurt with such ease,
As they lie in our heart without any lease,
We have one mouth and two ears,
Then why do we speak without any fears…

Speaking your heart out is fine,
But the thorny words aren’t always divine,
So before speaking up think twice,
This thought is true for all those who are wise…

Sometimes expecting does hurt,
As humble souls are devoid of dirt,
But living this life have taught us a lot,                                  
That expecting here isn’t true without any doubt...

“Friends for life time”.... isn’t an awesome jargon,
As they depart... yes, really... don’t beg your pardon,
So every moment here needs to be stored,
To remember them when we sit down getting bored...
Finally arrived the day when I found the one,
With whom I could share all my sorrows and fun,
Yes... He’s in my soul my life my heart,
His name is God; he is simply my part....

Can you find a friend with so much care?
Who will all our sorrows share?
Yes so now life has become so simple,
With no fear and no reasons to fumble.........

____________________________Rashmi (13th October, 2006)

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