Saturday, June 26, 2010

Broken Heart Beneath A Smiling Face...

 P.S : This poem is totally fictitious ... It has no resemblance to anybody living or dead... If you connect to this poem then its totally coincidental ;)

Broken Heart Beneath A Smiling Face...

When I sit down thinking about you,
Time flies by and this fact isnt new,
You are still a part of me I know,
That’s the reason at times I feel totally low...

Remember the day u walked away for sumthing new,
Hope of you coming back was as small as a dew,
How could you ask me to move on so easily dear,
Didn’t you miss me when I was no longer near...

You aren’t worth it people around me always said,
They knew that ur love for me wud be dead,
Maybe I was busy thinking of you and calling you mine,
Thought my love was all that’s needed and everything will be fine...

Wanted to prove that they were so very wrong,
And wanted this journey with you to last for long,
But didn’t no that this storm would force you to surrender,
And leave me all alone to simply weep and wander....

Knew that you aren’t the right one since the start,
But this never became a reason for me to part,
You had promised to be a part of me forever,
And be with me for long and leave me never....

Its been ages that you have gone away,
But still ur memories are the reason for me to stay,
Maybe I m a fool to hold on and wait for you,
But true love dies hard... this is understood by very few...

Friends... u ask me to cross the thin line,
And say tht its me who is holding back not wanting to feel fine,
Hey guys its not that I haven’t tried,
But all those times I said I have moved on.. I have simply lied....

“Love happens just once”... is what people say,
And these lines are true in every possible way,
Even today as I look in the mirror and simply gaze,
All I see is a broken heart beneath a smiling face...


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