Saturday, June 26, 2010

I have moved on dear ...

Birds Sing After Storm... Why Shouldn't we... :)

I have moved on dear ...

Life was dancing on a melodious tune,
With so much fun there was nothing to prune,
Something forced this music to mute,
Now there is silence, no sound of any flute...

Everything was falling into place I felt,
As all the problems were over and dealt,
Little did I predict this oncoming thunder,
That withered the music and forced it to surrender...

Halting for a second I searched the list,
Of all my loved ones around me those exist,
Some seemed so near some really very far,
Some shining above me still like a star....

Halting and falling life taught so much,
But always felt His presence and touch,
His words seemed like food for life then,
Kept thinking about those days since when...

“Move on”... was what each one around me said,
But true love never dies is what I had read,
People its not that I haven’t tried,
But the times I said “I have moved on... ”... I had just lied....

Time flew, new people entered, but still,
Somewhere still felt entangled against my will,
Thought that I had left the lane where we met,
But life brought u again when my eyes were tired of being wet....

Destiny, Fate, God’s Will.... what should I say,
Ur re-entry in my life shows me no new way,
It has just left me standing all alone in the rain,
And recall of all those times I have spent in pain....

Sitting down now I simply realize,
That moving on was a decision so very wise,
Somehow ur back but I don’t feel for you anymore,
As I still recall the time when u left and my heart simply tore...

“Love happens just once... Rest is life”.... is what people say,
But can one fall for the same person twice is what I ask each day,
Leaving at one point and now coming back is so easy for you,
Now I wonder was your feeling fake or was in true...

All I have to say is that I have moved on dear,
You are still a part of me but accepting u fills me with fear,
Heart has countless desires but its Gods will that prevails,
So I am waiting for the one chosen by God, as His plan never fails...

______________________________ Rashmi (9th November, 2007)

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