Friday, June 25, 2010

Unsaid Story... (Placement Time )

 Often in this corporate jungle we feel like taking a halt and thinking where we are heading... But little did this thought crossed our minds while college placements were going on ...

Now that we are working in top companies still there is something missing ... maybe we have gone up the ladder... and left few people close to us behind....  

 Unsaid Story...

As I sit down thinking about the past,
I realize tht people around me were the best cast,
Friends... my pillars were all around me,
Holding them tight set me tension free...

Placements days I still remember,
Filled us with tension and fear,
Somewhere we all knew that we are gonna part,
This one thought we hid deep inside our heart....

Then came the results of the dreadful race,
That would tear us apart with no time to trace,
“Friends For Lifetime...” is what we believed in,
So forgetting anyone would be  an unforgivable sin...

All were spilt in TCS, Mastek, Infosys, Patni, Polaris, Attos ...
WIPRO was where I landed and was all set to bid Mumbai ADIOS,
Farewell I still remember passed away like a mute song,
As moving to Bangalore for me was like a journey so very long...

Lords will was what I was looking forward to each day,
Didn’t get that though in any way,
Kept wondering if Wipro was the rite place for me,
He answered “NO”, so the thought of WIPRO had to flee...

Prayed day in and day out for something new,
And the hope for a new job was as small as a dew,
Miracle is what I guess I m used to by now,
And there came the offer from LnT somehow...

WIPRO or LnT was the question I stood besides,
As WIPRO was the place where my heart resides,
But going against Gods will wasn’t possible for me,
So had to bid WIPRO goodbye with due plea...

Life has indeed been a roller costar ride since then,
“No Time” ... is the reason I give I don’t know since when,
Running in this race I halted to look around ,
Friends I used to talk about were no where to be found...

Gone are those days of peaceful long walks,
Simple fights and then those long talks,
Each one is running after something today,
Workplace has become home is all I have to say...

Finally what are we running after my friend,
Someday you will halt as this road has an end,
“Miles 2 go before I Sleep “... is what u say now,
Except money, in those miles u will loose everything somehow...

_________________________________Rashmi (January 28, 2008)

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