Saturday, June 26, 2010

Real Me ...

Real Me…

It may seem that I am carefree and strong,
Going through life as if nothing is wrong,
But no one knows the real me,
They only know what I let them see…

Often my smiles are real and sincere,
Sometimes it helps me hide my fears dear,
I have a miraculous mask kept ready,
Which I use when my life isn’t steady…

Some pains are so intense and deep,
Often I wish to just let go and weep,
But I hold all of these deep inside,
And hold those tears and keep them aside…

My anger is a lie but plays a peak role,
Helping me hide my extremely delicate soul,
Hypocrisy is one thing that’s not in my case,
So people abiding by it don’t impress me with ease… 

Always wish to be a part of this noisy crowd,
Where I can share my infinite dreams aloud…
Want so much that my unbiased views be accepted,
But this world which is orthodox declares it rejected…

I seek for someone special who finds the real me,
And does not hold in dislike after what they see,
The real one in me has few flaws I used to hide…
But it’s no longer residing in me hidden inside…

_________________________________ Rashmi (31st August, 2006)

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