Thursday, June 24, 2010

Stop Running

In today's world we see all are running... some running after money... some running towards success... some running from the demons inside them... few are not yet sure why they are running... ;)...maybe they are running because all around them are running...and they don't wanna be last one in the race...

This poem is dedicated to all the marathon runners ;)... An opportunity for them to halt and think that are they running a race towards their destiny or away from their destiny... Hope you guys are not climbing a mountain, after reaching the pinnacle of which you realize that this was not your destined goal... 

All I want to convey is .. do climb the mountain... But also enjoy the journey to the top :)

Stop Running…

Have you ever heard the birds?
Composing music on the trees
Or listened to the rains
In a cold evening with breeze.
Time is short,
Don’t run so fast,
Life is not going to last.

Have you told your parents?
That you will meet them tomorrow,
And in the busy days of work,
Forgot them and didn’t see their sorrow.
Time is short,
Don’t run so fast,
Life is not going to last.

Have you let a friendship die?
Simply because you have not time to say “Hi”,
Or someone asked you “How are you”,
And you didn’t find time to reply.
Time is short,
Don’t run so fast,
Life is not going to last.
Have you ever checked your mail?
And found an old friend there,
But in the haste of reaching somewhere,
Didn’t reply and failed to care.
Time is short,
Don’t run so fast,
Life is not going to last.

Have you ever promised someone?
And forgot about it in hurry,
And didn’t find time to apologize,
And got up next day with a new worry.
Time is short,
Don’t run so fast,
Life is not going to last.

Did you ever feel the morning bliss?
And felt like your day is made,
Or simply went to office as usual,
And slogged there for getting paid.
Time is short,
Don’t run so fast,
Life is not going to last.

Did you ever take a day off?
From your daily chores to rest,
Or simply went on running each day,
As though you are on a quest.
Time is short,
Don’t run so fast,
Life is not going to last.

How far will you go my friend?
Every road here has an end,
So better halt now and look around,
And try to hear your hearts sound.
Stop running now,
Before you tell yourself,
Life has ended, I don’t know how.

________________________________Rashmi (16th August, 2006)

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